Thursday, January 25, 2007

Balanced Mind and Body Training Develops Excellence in Today’s Youth

Balanced Mind and Body Training Develops Excellence in Today’s Youth

Most parents believe that self-esteem is directly related to success in life. Yet, it is one advantage they can’t directly give their children. Self-esteem is gained through personal accomplishment and the expanding confidence of children as they take on more responsibility.

However, parents can give their children experiences and education that encourage achievement and independence. A combination of activities that challenge a child’s mind and body are a perfect way to help children grow into confident, well rounded adults.

The benefits of participating in youth sports

Research indicates that participation in sports often promotes healthy development in kids and teens. According to a study done by the American Sport Education Program, athletic training builds an appreciation of personal health and fitness in young people. They also found that it improved self image, social skills and taught children how to cope with disappointment.

The advantages of athletic training at professional and international levels

Kids that show an affinity for a particular sport, such as soccer, can really benefit from professional training at an international level. The world of international soccer is highly competitive and offers new opportunities for achievement to youngsters who love the sport.

Look for camps, schools and training programs that are lead by coaches with experience playing soccer professionally in the international arena. Full-immersion international programs are especially desirable since they give children an opportunity to strengthen athletic skills and expose them to another language and culture

The benefits of learning foreign languages

Students who learn foreign languages tend to score higher on the standardized tests in English. Thus, learning a new language actually improves a student’s grasp of English. Evidence also suggests that children who study a second language are more creative and better at complex problem solving.

Americans fluent in other languages have a deeper understanding of our culturally diverse world and more career opportunities. In addition to sharpening a child’s mind, learning a second language can directly impact their chance of future success.

The advantages of full-immersion language learning
Full-immersion language programs are a fast growing, wildly successful way for kids become bi-lingual. In these programs, students travel abroad and spend a great deal of time speaking and listening to a second language.

Immersion programs are possibly the most effective type of foreign language instruction available. Students involved in such programs can be expected to achieve more fluency than those studying in traditional settings. These advanced skills foster pride and pave the way for adult accomplishments

Full-immersion sports and language training uniquely encourages kids’ potential

Traveling abroad is an experience that gives a sense of independence in children, a key aspect to creating self-esteem. When this is combined with the advantages of professional sports training and serious foreign language study kids are destined to win in the game of life. EduKick offers a full-immersion soccer and language experience in several European countries. (

Visit today to register your child for a full-immersion soccer and language experience. You can also sign up for a free newsletter about international youth sports and studying abroad at

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